Tuesday 13 January 2015

WRAP being offered by MHSP The Link

WRAP Wellness Recovery Action Plan

I have just received confirmation that The Link will be offering a WRAP workshop for people with mental illnesses. WRAP stands for Wellness Recovery Action Plan and is a framework that is created to help a person understand what they look, feel and act like when they feel well, when they are starting to slip in their wellness, and help them take steps to avoid becoming seriously unwell. This tool helps a person to be more involved in managing their own care and identifying what works best for them, and who they would like to have involved in their care.
Below is a link to the WRAP website which gives further information on the process.
Contact The Link for more information or to register.
Tues Feb 3 2-3:30pm for 8 weeks.

Workshop about Health Evidence 

Thurs February 19 2015 
2-4pm for Service Providers
6-8pm for General Public
The Link - Mental Health Support Project
88 Cornelia St W Unit A4

email mentalhealthfamilies@gmail.com for inquiries.

“A new study released today says…”

Every day media outlets bombard us with findings from the latest research — evidence intended to shed new light on ways to improve our personal health or our healthcare systems. Beyond the media, the Internet also provides abundant access to countless sources of health information and evidence, making it readily available for all to explore. But for those of us with little to no experience in science or healthcare or research, how do we make sense of all that information? What is it saying and what can we trust?

This introductory workshop will begin with an examination of the concepts of evidence in healthcare, the information that clinicians and decision-makers rely on when making choices for patients and for our healthcare systems.  Participants will learn some basic tips and tricks for locating evidence and then delve into the key factors that a well-designed, meaningful study should contain.  Next, with examples in hand and working in small guided discussion groups, participants will learn how to read a scientific study through a critical lens to uncover its key basic messages. What is this research actually telling us? We’ll end by taking a look at the concept of health technology assessment, discussing its role and value in the world of decision-making.

Geared to patients, their family members and advocates, students, junior-level government and health system administrators, anyone interested in an introduction to health evidence, this session will provide a first step on that journey of understanding.

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